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More about our Locations

Mi Esperanza Wellness Center

Although we provide various outpatient services, Inpatient Psychiatric Care is non-existent in the San Luis Valley. Individuals requiring inpatient psychiatric care often travel to Pueblo or Colorado Springs. This is not an option for many living within the valley. Treating individuals within the community relates to more family involvement and better outcomes. To put this belief into practice, San Luis Behavioral Health Group developed a walk-in wellness center named the Mi Esperanza Wellness Center.

New Beginnings Clubhouse

New Beginnings Wellness and Recovery Center offers various services designed to help our members live richer and more rewarding lives.  Wellness classes are provided that include healthy nutrition and exercise, stress reduction, improving self-esteem, making and keeping friends, and a variety of other topics meant to improve wellness in all areas of life. New Beginnings also provides Peer Specialist services and peer-led classes as well. This program is housed in Alamosa but works with consumers throughout the San Luis Valley.  New Beginnings is open from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Telehealth Services

Telehealth services became more mainstream during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, but SLVBHG has always been committed to breaking barriers and leading innovation.  Thus, we continue to utilize telehealth as an effective means of distributed care.  Distributed care refers to the idea that care should occur where health happens - at home and in the community.  Ask our team about having your next therapy appointment virtually!

Airport Road Cafe

Inside our main office in Alamosa, Colorado, SLVBHG houses a cafe serving fantastic breakfast and lunch options to clients and staff.  Check out their menu next time you visit our Alamosa location!

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